Monday, December 16, 2013

17Dec13. Tuesday A day for Gary and his new rope. MER (marathon man) prepare to be bested.

Spend 20min finding your 1RM Snatch

1a) 4X5 Push Press – absolute heaviest possible (work to 5RM), rest 60 sec.
1b) 4X5 Bent Over Row – heaviest possible, rest 90 sec.

For time:
Row 1k
50 Double-Unders
Row 750m
75 Double-Unders
Row 500m
100 Double-Unders

1 comment:

  1. Not a P on the snatcch. 150.
    Push press/row: 135, 145, 155, 165
    Conditioning: 16:02, rowed slow...
