Sunday, December 15, 2013

16Dec13. MONDAY. Last week in the gym for this year..... Embrace it

Spend 20min finding 1RM C&J

1a)   6X3/6 FS/BS @ 85% (of 1RM Front Squat) – rest 60 sec.
1b)   6xME Bench Press  110% Bodyweight


For time:
Run 800m
30 Strict pull ups + K2E****
60 Dips****
Run 800m

Everytime you come off bar for strict pull up + K2E combo do 2 x dips.   
Example if you get 10 pull ups and 10 K2e in first set go do 20 dips.
Repeat till you get your 30 & 60

1 comment:

  1. C&J- Got 205, failed at 215. Ankle bothering me (don't kick a bar w/ 275# on it, thanks to Linda). I think the limited mobility and soreness played w/ my confidence and I know it played w/ my split on the jerk.
    Squat complex- 4 sets at 215. Struggled w/ front squat today.
    Bench @ 215: 5,5,5,4.
    Conditioning: 17 something. hard to string the pull up, k2e together. my k2e stink. Arms kill right now....
